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30 Day Squat ChallengeI saw a similar challenge on a blog I follow and I looked at a few others from searching on Google.  There is no fun graphic for this one, just a list. (Update: after I wrote this blog this pic popped up on Google pictures so I snagged it.)  I know Jillian would say to add in some weights and do something with your arms in there.  But for now, I’m going to try it out.  Let’s see what happens in 30 days!  


Be sure to keep the proper form!
Stick your butt out! As Jillian would say, “If you got it ladies, flaunt it!”

Day 1-50 squats
Day 2-55 squats
Day 3-60 squats
Day 4-Rest
Day 5-70 squats
Day 6-75 squats
Day 7-80 squats
Day 8-Rest
Day 9-100 squats
Day 10-105 squats
Day 11-110 squats
Day 12-Rest
Day 13-130 squats
Day 14-135 squats
Day 15- 140 squats
Day 16-Rest
Day 17-150 squats

If you have never done squats before, then start by using a chair.  Come down on the chair and next time come down so you are barely touching the chair.  Work your way to not using a chair at all.  Be sure to keep good form!

If you have never done squats before, then start by using a chair. Come down on the chair and next time come down so you are barely touching the chair. Work your way to not using a chair at all. Be sure to keep good form

Day 18- 155 squats
Day 19- 160 squats
Day 20-Rest
Day 21- 180 squats
Day 22- 185 squats
Day 23- 190 squats
Day 24-Rest
Day 25- 220 squats
Day 26- 225 squats
Day 27- 230 squats
Day 28-Rest
Day 29- 240 squats
Day 30- 250 squats

Who wants to join me?  It’s only the 2nd day in and who says you have to start on the first day of the month!  Leave me a comment below if you are going to join me or if you have done a challenge like this before!